Medical tattooing uses the same technique as semi-permanent make-up, implanting ink into the skin or minor trauma to promote collagen or a natural colour change. Medical tattooing tends to be for patients may have a medical condition or the results of a medical condition that has affected their appearance.

Medical tattooing is an advanced form of cosmetic tattooing. It can improve the aesthetics of a wide range of issues that resulted in discolorations. The goal of medical tattooing is to reconstruct perceived deformities through tattoo artistry so that patients’ inner beauty can become more visible to the world.

Medical micropigmentation is a technique used to restore the original colour by “tattooing” an area of skin to correct achromia or conceal scarring. This technique can also be used to correct a tissue alteration such as a lip damaged by an orofacial cleft (cleft lip) or to reconstruct a mammary areola amputated during exeresis surgery for cancer.


But it has many other uses as well: patients with stable vitiligo or scars, burn victims and chemotherapy patients can also benefit from this technique. In fact, medical micropigmentation can correct any kind of skin achromia or alopecia, whether it is medical, surgical or traumatic in nature. More and more applications are being found, tracing the outlines of a new approach to skin treatment.


Do medical tattoos fade?

Medical pigments have smaller molecules, which are broken down by the body over time. This means medical tattoos fade, although how long this takes will depend on your skin type, the medication you take, your body temperature, and the aftercare treatment.

Who would get medical tattooing hair strokes eyebrows? 

Anyone experiencing the following:

  • Fair and/or uneven brows 
  • Alopecia
  • Cancer
  • Albinism
  • Vitiligo
  • Scars (burns, trauma, surgical)
  • Hair loss (temporary or permanent)
  • Disability (unable to apply Makeup)
  • Pre-existing work that was poorly done or has faded

What is hair stroke medical tattoo?

Hair stroke medical tattoo is a method of creating or filling in eyebrows using realistic hair like strokes. By using the tattoo needle to implant pigment into the skin to create realistic looking hair like strokes, we can make quite natural looking brows that aren’t obvious that they’ve been tattooed in.

How long the procedure will take? What can I expect?  

We book 3 hours for the initial procedure. During your appointment, we will:

  • Complete paperwork
  • Consult, calculate and draw your perfect shape
  • Take before pictures
  • Choose your ideal color
  • Seek your final approval
  • Start the procedure
  • Finish the procedure
  • Take after photos
  • Go over after care instructions

Is that procedure can be applied for men ? 

YES! Hair strokes medical tattoo and any medical treatments are gender neutral. Both men and women alike suffer from the same issues when it comes to eyebrows reconstruction.