Swiss Color 101 White 10ml


Application area: Areola
Carefully add 101 White in microbrush tips until the desired brightness of areola pigment is achieved.


Due to its ability to make pigments appear more powdery and matte, 101 White is ideal as a lightener for all color mixtures. It can be used to achieve powdery pinks in lip treatments and, in larger amounts, cooler-looking shades.

Achieving ashy-matte eyebrow effects on gray-haired clients requires a lot of caution and experience. Note that excessive amounts of 101 White can produce an undesirably strong gray effect. Never use 101 White pure.

Prepare 101 White by mixing it extensively with the color shake. Then blend it with your desired pigment color mixture using the color mixer and a new color mixing stick.

Mixing tip 1

  • 101 White (1)
  • 702 Passion Rose (2)

Application area: Lip
For a beautiful matte rose lip tone.

Mixing tip 2

  • 101 White (1)
  • 703 Arizona Red (2)
  • 706 Soft Sienna (2)

Application area: Areola
Carefully add 101 White in microbrush tips until the desired brightness of areola pigment is achieved.

Color name: 101 White
Skin type: black, very dark brown, brown, dark brown, light, fair, light brown, light to olive, olive, moderate brown, very light, pale white
Chemical composition: inorganic
Coverage: strong coverage
Color depth: cool
Area of application: Mix Only